The European
Survey Group is registered as a European Economic
Cooperative Association and comprises leading independent
marine and technical survey bureaus, represented
by one company in each EEC country.
As Nautical
Safety Inspectors for the Bahamas Maritime Authority,
we carry out Annual Surveys of Bahamas flagged vessels
and invesigate casualties involving Bahamas flagged
vessels. Additionally we progress endorsements of
Crew Licences and vessel documentation through the
London office of the Bahamas Maritime Authority.
As Nautical
Safety Inspectors for the Barbados Maritime Authority, we undertake safety inspections
of Barbados Flagged Vessels and organise vessel
& crew documentation.
Nautical Safety Inspectors & Registrar for the Luxembourg Flag
We undertake safety inspections of Luxembourg Flagged ships and yachts as nautical safety inspectors appointed by the Commissariat aux Affaires Maritimes of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.