In addition to suveyors from
our Piraeus base, we also have available Surveyors in
the Greek ports of Patras, Volos, Kalamata, Thessaloniki,
Hania-Crete and additionally Limassol-Cyprus. We work
closely with these surveyors on a regular basis.
This enables us to have a faster
response to incidents near those ports than sending
a surveyor from Piraeus.
Furthermore in the case of multiple
container or roro cargo damages we have the ability
to quickly arrange simultaneous attenances at receivers
premises in various locations all over Greece and Albania
or Bulgaria via our Thessaloniki office.
We are the Greek
Member of the European Survey Group. This Group
is a co-operative agreement between survey companies
in Europe with one member representing each country.
There are members in Scotland, Ireland, Belgium,
France and Italy. Therefore this extends the reach
of Overseas Maritime thoughout Europe, having the
ability to quickly despatch a surveyor from a nearby
port whilst keeping close laison with local clients
from Piraeus.
Baltic States
As correspondents of Lars
Krogius Baltic Ltd. of Estonia and Lars
Krogius Russia Ltd. of Moscow. We can also offer survey
services in the Baltic Region. We have signed a co-operative
agreement between our companies in order that each of
our local clients can be equally served well in either
the Eastern Mediterranean & Black Sea or the Baltic